Basic Vocabs & More for Beginner Learners
(Just like we've helped our family and friends)
When I helped my family and friends learn the Hawaiian language, there were no tech, program, or software that directly sent us Hawaiian vocabulary as a reminder to practice and use. This product fixes that. Fortunately for me, today's technology allows me to share vocabulary and more where ever you go. I hope you enjoy this!
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Disclaimer: - The 365 Hawaiian Word of the Day digital product is designed to deliver content via SMS or email over a period of 365 days. Please be aware that certain phone carriers may activate a Do Not Disturb (DND) feature, which could prevent the delivery of text messages to their customers. In the event that your phone carrier activates the DND feature or any other phone carrier technical challenges occur beyond Hale Nowelo, thereby preventing HN from sending you the scheduled content, you agree to forgo the content that was missed during the period in which the DND feature was active or the carrier technical challenges. If DND activation does occur in SMS, all you need to do is reply "start" in the same text thread that we send you content in to disabled the DND. Carrier technical challenges are the following but not limited to: 1) Error 30011 - "MMS Error": The destination handset either does not support MMS, or MMS is not currently enabled on the device. Status: undelivered To: _____, 2) Location has insufficient fund. 3) Error 30003 - "Unreachable destination handset": The destination handset you are trying to reach is switched off or otherwise unavailable. Status: undelivered To: ________,